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Cranberry Walnut Sourdough Batard

Regular price ₱570.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱570.00 PHP
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Our cranberry walnut sourdough boule uses three base ingredients: flour, salt, and water. The add-ons include dried cranberries and toasted walnuts.

It is baked fresh using 500 grams of flour (a blend of whole wheat and bread flour) at 78% hydration.  

Cranberries are rich in potassium and Vitamin C while walnuts contain phosphorus, vitamin B6 and manganese. Walnuts are also known to be significantly higher in omega-3 than any other nut. 

Cranberries and walnuts are not island endemics, meaning they do not grow in tropical countries such as the Philippines. Try this loaf if you want to taste something unique. It pairs well with aged cheese - like having a mini charcuterie event in your mouth. 






Weight (boule): 970-980g (plain) and 1-1.1kg (seeded) before final proof

Weight (focaccia): 1kg (plain) and 1-1.2kg (flavored)

Care information

This loaf keeps well at room temperature for 3 days (focaccia) and up to 5 days (boule) especially when stored in a linen cloth or bread bag. We do not recommend refrigeration as it goes stale there quickly. Instead, you may want to freeze the loaf to preserve it for up to 3 months. You may slice before freezing. When you are ready to enjoy it, just let the bread sit on the counter for about 30 minutes before toasting on high for 5-10 minutes.